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Blade nQX
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Blade mQX Upgrades
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Awesome!!!Micro, Sub-Micro and Palm-Size Helicopter Upgrades
Enhanced Performance, Durability and Appearance
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Blade mQX and 180 QX-HD 
MIA Micro Quad Rotor Heli
UFO - Flying Saucer -Alien Spaceship
2012 Upgrades




Blade mQX - MIA Phantom (TM) and Edge (TM) Upgrades

Blade mQX Canopies, Blade mQX Bodies, Blade mQX Shells, Blade mQX Upgrades, Blade mQX Mods.

Intro: About a month ago, I stumbled upon the Blade mQX, a cool new quad rotor product. Bought it and have been having a ball! with it.

First Impression: It is pretty stable compared to some early, much larger ones I flew back in the early 90's, which at the time were just beginning to surface at a much higher price tag.
Wow we are so spoiled with today's affordable and powerful tiny RC equipment that makes it possible for a lot of cool flying models.

A deeper Look: After trying the Blade mQX, the stock canopy was a bit distracting, toyish looking and it was not really doing the overall product justice. I think the logic the original designers had was probably to make it look like a "Transformer" but in my opinion and perhaps that of others, it fails to stay in line with the overall look of the rest of the flying aircraft and more serious electronics, it could have been done a lot better, I thought.

MIA Options:
I love having the options to play with different setups and looks as this helps prolong the interest level with models. I also think the mQX is a great compact platform for a lot of cool stuff.  So here are a few of several designs I came up , which are more in tune with a more stealth, serious and fun cool look. Other designs in various shapes and forms, both in the already well established MIA Phantom (TM) Carbon pattern and MIA Edge (TM) colors canopies will be offered, thereafter, still working on few others and we'll be adding also other goodies to this MIA Upgrades -Blade mQX section.

Helis vs Quads: Although I am more pro the more conventional RC helicopter, these "quad" rotor helis and in particular, the Blade mQX, offers yet another level of fun. A great platform for adding a keychain camera under the belly and just having fun around the house, backyard or small park.




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This site was designed, developed and is managed by Mario I. Arguello. Last updated 12/05/13
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