Bumble  Bee Kit Update




Bumble Bee Kit

Bumble Bee Parts

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These are the Updates for the Bumble Bee 2008 Model Aviation Edition.

A supplement guide to the kit Instructions  Manual.


Before You start assembly, please study the Instructions Manual, these photos and diagrams.

Previous versions of the Bumble Bee had very similar parts but different assembly and mounting of the rotor head and blade holders.

Due to our constant effort to provide our customers with a better product and to keep up with Radio Control equipment that is also constantly being made lighter, smaller and different, the following are the latest updates to the BB Kit.

Improvements Included in latest Bumble Bee Kits:

New Lighter G10 Frame with additional bracing A1, B1 and B2
New Rotor Head Design C1, C2 with Independent Blade Holders E1, E2
New G10 Servo Arm Links D1, D2
New More Streamlined Flybar
New Longer and Narrower Blades
More Powerful Motors
Direct Tail Drive with new Propeller
Direct Bolt-On Mounting of Servos (Suggested brand and sizes: Blue Arrow  BA-TS-2.5 and  3.6, E-Hobby HES-490 )

Note that the Gimbal  Ring  (black part) is mounted inverted as compared to original BB Instructions and the rotor head is doubled on top of the See-Saw (Color is black in the BB Kit).  Also the Flybar, (Part with the MIA Name) is mounted from under and secured with the mini screws from under the Gimbal Ring. This, gives better and smoother control as opposed to originally indicated in the BB Instructions.

A complete rotor head with the latest blades. Note how the blade holders are installed under the rotor head and the blades are attached also under them. We double up on the blade holders ,as well, as the rotor head. In order to give the blades the required pitch we are now using an small O-ring, as per the illustrations.  The Aluminum washers secured with a screw, on the rotor head center and on the end paddles, are custom items, not supplied with the Kit and are not required for operation.





This site was designed, developed and is managed by Mario I. Arguello. Last updated 03/29/08
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