Standard and Custom Kits
Upgrades and Parts

"A product that lifts the spirit, provides a learning platform,
and puts a smile on your face, can sometimes be the best medicine"

Thank you for stopping by and taking time to read this about me, my company and the products that are seldon spoken about, on the internet, but, secretly and quietly, have been putting smiles on many people's faces, all over the world, for more than 18 years. 
Hello, I'm Mario I. Arguello
In this section you will find an introduction about myself, my company and my products.
My Mission
As the lead person at MIA Micro-FLIGHT,  my goal has been and continues to be, to provide to people, interested in radio control models, exciting and unique products that  are long-lasting and offer an opportunity for learning.

The products I design and offer are insprired by full size counterparts and crafted with high quality and for durabililty, with the end user in mind.

Much of this direction comes from being a consumer, myself, and wanting products that fill an emotional need and are outside the typical.

Also, from my upbringing and growing up in a world when things were more sincere and long lasting, and wanting to retain these values and pass them on to people, in the form of MIA products.

I design durable products
that provide hours of fun!,
but are also a platform
for learning
how full-size aircraft works.

My Company
I wanted to make an impact in the world of radio control products and decided to go against the norm, when I set out to establish MIA Micro-FLIGHT. I did this in order to offer people alternatives and give myself a chance to do work that I truly enjoy and bring out some new innovations, in this process.

I did not want to make another typical balsa or foamy model airplane kit, but model aircraft rarely done. So I focused on these latter types, designing them with a more structurally sound "bolt-on" approach, than older "CA glue" methods, using modern day durable, light-weight materials and lots of creativity.

Running a company, with this mission, has not been easy. I've had to overcome many challenges, and learn to adapt, while being open-minded and flexible with myself, my products and more importantly, "people's needs".
The true rewards of hard work placed on keeping MIA Micro-FLIGHT afloat have been,  many times, in the form of customers' responses, such as, a simple "thank you for a job well done".

It is because of this trajectory, along with the support of family, friends and countless loyal customers, that MIA Micro-FLIGHT continues to offer one of a kind products that bring joy and value to many people, all over the world.

Making a difference
in this world starts
with an honest intent.

My personal inspiration
comes from many places,
but mainly from
listening to
die-hard hobbyists
and real people.

The amount of effort
that you put into this kit
is remarkable and
it's a masterpiece
in my opinion!
And I actually got one of them!"

Mike Burch
MIA Quicksilver
Ultralight Kit

My Products
One of the best toys I had, when I was a young boy, was an erector set, fire engine, made from steel parts and I could take it appart and rebuild it as anything I wanted, limited only by my imagination.

This foundation is the reason my products are bolt-on kits and some of them are also reconfigurable, by nature of their design and carefully selected hardware and components I employ.

My products' inspiration
comes from real aircraft.

They are
thoughtfully engineered
from ground up

My Passion
I’ve always been extremely passionate about things, of an original and unique nature, in general, a new idea, or simly put, a better mouse trap.

I love things that are of an aeronautical,  mechanical, electrical, electronic, archictectural, artistic, precise, detailed an honest nature, and I like to balance all these elements into tangible things.

A good portion of my time is spent on plannning, in order to maximize getting it right, the first time.

I am heavily inspired by real aircraft, in particular microlights, ultralights and people, perhaps like yourself, with similar interest, who are looking for something different, of value and unwilling to settle for the norm.

Many years ago I learned to follow my heart and true devotion and this opened new doors.

I follow
my heart
to bring out
the best!

My Work
In MIA's humble beginnings, I started designing free-flight rubber powered  helicopters and selling them as kits via local hobby shops and through small ads in radio control model magazines.

Over the years, this work evolved into some of the very first micro, sub-micro and palm-size rc helicopter kits, on the rc market, and later on into rc autogyros and high performance radio control microlight and ultralight flying machines.

Most of the work is done by myself, I control of every aspect of my products, from concept, to design, to manufacturing, to getting it to your hands. This allows me to ensure that the end product, you get, is of high quality and nothing less than what I would want myself. Think of this, as a product  crafted on a personal basis.
In addition, I provide one-one technical support via e-mail, phone or in person, sometimes, or as required, for local customers. Something rare, in today's mass manufactured product business world.

While I strive to be as precise as possible, there are times when things don't allow so, but in my view, nothing is impossible with the right information and tools, and every problem has a solution when approached with patience, undertanding, logic and integrity.

It is in my nature
to be creative,
and hands-on.

I welcome challenges
and thrive on
finding solutions

Over many years, I have been refining my craft and knowledge in various areas required to bring, to the hobby market, the very best, I can possibly bring, as unique RC aircraft, packaged as bolt-on  "kits", designed and manufactured under one roof, here in the USA. 

Because I do not manufacture electronic goods such as radios, batteries, motors, servos, I have to rely on outside sources for these complimentary and required components, but I only select, make available or recommend only those components that I personally test and have proven themselves in my products.

My products are fabricated individually
with a lot of attention to high quality and detail.

The time it takes to manufacture a complete kit,
is typically between 1-4 weeks,
depending on our work load,  complexity and customization.

The price I set for my products is reflective of this level of work.

Mario I. Arguello
Engineer, Designer, Artist
Radio Control Aircraft Specialist
Real Aircraft Enthusiast
Owner of:
MIA Designs™
Technical Customer Support

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